Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve Toy Assembly

Found a little time to make a short video of my brother Mike putting together a Little Tikes Shopping Cart for Bella on Christmas eve. Actually, Ava and Bella are getting these for Christmas so he put two of them together. Lucky you Daniel.

I hope Bella looks at this one day so she can see that her Dad is one of Santa's helpers. :-)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Car Break In At Work

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I get to work and am starting to have a good day when one of the staff comes and let's me know that someone saw a blue car with a broken window out in the parking lot. I ran out to find that it was my car and and also another employees car. I left some Christmas gifts in the backseat for Baby Bella and Brandy and that is what they took. At least they didn't get Josh's gift and a few other things so all was not lost. After a call to my insurance agent my new piece of glass was installed the next day. I was impressed about the procedure for filing a report, it was quick and easy and can be looked at on-line. Go to the Arlington Police Department Search Public Reports link, (click here) then type my report number and last name in the box. Case# 080087141.

It will say report has been located and then click on the link to view the report.

Here is another picture of the inside, the backseat drivers side window.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Cowboy Christmas Tree

Look at this Dallas Cowboy Christmas tree that my roommates friend decorated for the holidays for one of the guest bedrooms in the house. Checkout all the cool ornaments, the little footballs, and the miniature Dallas Cowboy helmets. I thought this was fitting since my Cowboys beat those New York Giants 20-8 and kept them out of the endzone. I am trying to get some shopping done for my family before the rush hits this weekend.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Western Christmas Tree

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My roommate (Tina) has been busy decorating the inside of her house with lots of Christmas decorations and a tree like no other. She has a good friend that comes and helps her add that magic touch and they are really good at what they do. I had to post a picture of the Christmas tree in the living room. It is about 12 feet tall and has the coolest ornaments you will ever see on any tree.
Makes me thing back when I was a kid, my Mom and Dad would let us put lots of ornaments and icicles, we put lights outside around the house and my parents would have Christmas parties for their friends. Lots of cool gifts, go-carts, motorcycles, all the newest electronics and games.
I remember one year, maybe 1979, Nickie, Mike and I found some gifts in the attic and we opened them up, I remember playing the Space Invaders game and a few others we got. I don't think my Mom and Dad ever knew we did that...hahahaha.
I am planning on going to Austin for Christmas, and trying to plan a trip to see my Aunt Helen in Haslet who I have not seen in over 30 years. :-) I will have photos from that.

I am hosting a racquetball tournament this weekend at my club so I am trying to finalize all the details.

Wanna see the official tournament site? -- click here

Thursday, December 4, 2008

One More Turkey Video

I am still finding more video from our Thanksgiving dinner at my Uncle Gilbert and Aunt Geraldine's house, so I thought I would put it up so everyone can see how we have all grown up. I remember when Trey and Josh were both small little guys and now look at them.
Uncle Steve and Uncle Roy are still funny and always find a way to joke about something, the only thing that has changed about them is just a little more gray.
I hope one day Bella and Ava see this video of themselves and enjoy the moments we shared as a family. Grandpa Chuck and Grandma Donna were also lending a hand in the helping with Bella and Ava. Aunt Geraldine and Twila were awesome in the kitchen too!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Baby Bella Drives

One of the best things about holidays is spending time with my nieces and nephews. We woke up early one morning and baby Isabella was riding her little electric bike. She is one year-old and already walking and driving. She also has a pink electric mustang in the garage ready for her to cruise around in. And she knows how to use an iPhone.....amazing huh? But even more amazing is that Lauren, who is only eight years-old was texting me from Brandy's phone.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Pie Run

It is time to publish another video and the Thanksgiving Holiday gave me a good reason. Watch as Lory and I are on our way to Austin to my brother Mike's house and then to San Antonio the next day. But before we hit the road, we have to buy some pies for the family dinner on Thanksgiving. I made this short movie with my Flip Video handheld camera and edited the music and titles with Windows Movie Maker. The road trip took five hours from Arlington to Austin. Thanks for going with me Lory. :-)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey and Thanksgiving

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Brandy, Alec, LeoRay, Baby Ava, Melissa, Daniel, Roy, Gilbert, Austin, Lauren, Josh

Thanksgiving for me this year was at Uncle Gilbert's new house just north of San Antonio. This was the first holiday that we spent without my Dad. Aunt Geraldine led us in an emotional prayer and it felt like Dad's spirit was right there with us. The food was great, Uncle Steve's salsa was AWESOME. Brandy made the corn casserole and Austin loved it because he went back for seconds. Baby Eva and Baby Bella are just learning to walk so they were all over the place. We tossed around the football and the frisbee outside while some of the others were looking at old pictures and reminiscing about Dad. There were some pictures of our Grandma and my Aunt Helen that I have never seen. My Mom and her husband Rick went to North Carolina to visit Brooke his daughter, but I will be seeing my Mom for Christmas this year so I can spend some time with her then.

It was great having some of our family together: Ruby, Geraldine, Twila, Shawn, Steve, Gilbert, Roy, LeoRay, Michael, Nickie, Melissa, Lory, Daniel, Katrina, Chuck, Donna, Trey, Brandy, Josh, Alec, Austin, Ava, Bella, and Lauren. The next family gathering will be for Christmas. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

Baby Bella, Mike and Katrina

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pool Side

I was looking around for some video to post on my blog and I found this hilarious video of Lory and I laying out by the pool. She was playing with the dog until I accidentally made her scream.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Leo's First Blog

Welcome to my blog. There will be lots of random posts, blogs, photos and video about everything in my life. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and also enjoy some of the random things I will be posting. I guess this is an autobiography for future publication. I decided to start this blog when my Dad, Leo T. Vasquez passed away on his birthday this year.
I hope that one day, our family will have memories such as this blog to look back on and reflect on the wonderful family we were and still are. Memories last forever, and I want ours to be shared with our family. The internet will be around alot longer than me, so here is a journey to remember.

Leo R.
aka LeoRay